Parenting in the U.S. Class for ELL Families

On the third Thursday of each month, Jewish Vocational Service now hosts a class for parents and caregivers of ELLs. “Parenting in the U.S.” covers topics such as discipline practices, child health and safety, and developing routines that create stability. Participants observe engaging role plays and receive a copy of Bridging Youth & Children’s Refugee Services’ (BRYCS) handbook on raising children in the U.S.

The classes are held at Don Bosco in St. Anthony’s Parish in historic Northeast Kansas City, a location familiar to many families because of the free adult ESL classes offered there. Participants must be referred so that interpreting services can be arranged. If you know a parent or caregiver who may benefit from attending, please contact JVS’ Areli Ramphal for details.

BRYCS also provides a resource called Growing Up in a New Country: A Positive Youth Development Toolkit for Working with Refugees and Immigrants with promising practices for youth programming.

Posted in Community Resources, Culture

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